Bolero: Nicole Miller, T-Shirt: ATL, Pants & Peter Pan Beaded Collar: Vintage
“I’ll Never Grow UP WEndY.” As a little girl I never understood why Peter refused to grow up. Now, as a young adult I'm better able to identify the enchantments associated with magical places, miniature fairies and grueling pirates, (I know it's backwards but it works for me) – why would you ever want to leave such a place. Just because we’re getting older doesn’t mean we have no choice but to get old. All that separates us from the 90 year old wise men is experience: not age or necessarily time. So my thing is why not drop some youthfulness back into the work week wardrobe. I told you I was going to show you how to look and feel good doing what you do.
I believe in the “wear your favorite t-shirt to work idea.” If all it comes down to is a lousy collar, add a damn collar to keep the corporate blokes happy, but most importantly, keep your Peter Pan alive!
I’m sporting one of my favorite tees with a very work appropriate bolero and, ta-da, a vintage beaded Peter Pan collar. If you don’t have such a collar handy, cut the collar off a shirt (after it’s been DIY BEDAZZLED of course), and pin that sucker on there. I’m not proclaiming that we never grow up, just that we never do away with our inner child – that wild thing keeps our butter churning, and we have to celebrate them for that! Xox Long live the “Peter Pan” work week.
Cute look! I really liked how you styled the t-shirt.