Chambray Shirt: Billabong, Leather Skirt & Necklace: Vintage, Velvet Wedges: Jennifer Lopez
For US WORKING GALS, (that includes all women because we’re all working it someway or another, that’s the beauty of our make-up) it’s important that we look good when we’re doing what we’re doing, so I wanted to take a moment to show you how you can make you’re workin’ gal, work week look exciting for you. I’ve never been one to enjoy the dull demands of 9-5 fashion, so I thought I might put a kick of rebellion in the mix while keeping it appropriate.
Exhibit A: I took your normal button down shirt and pencil skirt combination, but gave it a little kick – take note of the kick! Its denim and leather ladies. Notice I’m not stepping to far out of the corporate box here, I’m still coloring in the lines, somewhat, so there should be no problems! This look can take you to work and lead you to your next outing just as easily. It’s ok, you can tell boss lady you got the kick from me, I have no qualms with taking the blame, (but I refuse to let her in on the secret, she can find out from another blogger, I'm just looking out for you)! Xox
Love this skirt!!