Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Never Never Land

 WhAt a pLaCE, HERe LIES MinoR documentation of mY RECENt Trip to LA.  It included the following: creative flows of work and long hours, snippets of pool time, dance offs with friends, hot heels contests, exotic plant photo ops, sunshine and sunsets, street culture, Vietnamese coconut milk (yum), the mad world of Disneyland, snapping lobsters, long lost yet now found spiritual buddies and insane amounts of sweets!

I apologize for the delay, as you can see things have been quite chaotic!  But I’ll be making my way back to SEA. shortly; the babysitter’s getting antsy.  I knew I should have paid her...

1 comment:

  1. Your trip sounds like FUN! I should head back to LA soon. I miss the availability of cheap delicious food everywhere!
