Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Dress, The Event, The Dilemma

Floral Dress: Re-worked Vintage/ Leather Jacket: Vintage/ Hat: Gifted/ Shoes: Zinc

So earlier this week I had this Schwarzenegger sized problem. As a Vintage Curator and Creative Assistant I planned to showcase some of our newest arrivals by hosting a trunk show and inviting a few hitters here in Seattle, aka groovy art, style and music publications that I’d like to finagle my way into writing for.  Now, in terms of what to wear I had the above floral re-worked dress in mind – casual, sophisticated and clean but oh so boring!  The dilemma.  If these publications were going to waltz into this show they had to somewhat understand the fanatic behind it, and that floral dress alone was not cutting it!  After deliberating with the garments in my wardrobe, out immerged this Grace Kelly meets her psychotic twin, Grace Jones number. 

My personality is all up in that dress!  Dilemma eliminated, mission accomplished.  

Happy Saturday everyone! xoxoxo MEow.

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